Tuesday, August 05, 2008


There are so many terms to call yourself, like for example if I told people that I would be studying philosophy or religions (which in some sense, I'm right by saying so) they would probably go "Ah, thats interesting." But if you tell people that you will be doing theology, you will get a long are-you-serious type stare assuming that they understand what you mean. Then after that you will see them asking the chain of why-what-when-how questions with them already having certain perceptional bias about such people even before they asked the questions. Then you will soon figure that there is one more pair of eyes watching your life waiting to fault you for flaws that are human, then they will prove to themselves, "see all Christians are like that."

Maybe this is too far fetched but its true to some extent, thou not all the time.
Anyways the point is that its really not very nice to answer questions people ask out of boredom. The army is full of this (maybe in taxi cabs too), people just like to ask where or what you would be doing after the 2year term. Every time I'm asked this I would feel so tempted to lie (or just not telling the full truth) just to get away with it because you just don't want to deal with their responses. Slowly you would try to lessen your guilt by reasoning that they wouldn't understand even if you told them. But you will still know deep down that you lied.


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