Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Growing old alone

Recently at school happened to be talking to someone in his (late?) forties and the conversation goes something like this:

Matt: so where will you be going after this?
Mr.x : maybe going to catch a movie.

Matt: oh! thats nice, with who?
Mr.x : go alone lar, i always go alone to the movies
Mr.x : at home also always alone so no difference.
Mr.x : my friends all married liao, not nice to disturb them.
Matt: er... thats true, *mumbles* and its sad (goes into deep thought)
Mr.x : so see you around bah.

This type of
loneliness kinda scares me now, can't imagine it becoming a norm for people. Is that the reason why single women in ministry and in seculars working environment can be so productive at work? Are they being busy in an effort to fight loneliness? If yes then its really sad. Sad truth.


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