Sunday, June 26, 2005

Action Faith

I chanced upon the topic of faith
when talking to Rachael Lim today in service. It suddenly occurred to me how people used "by faith" as the answer to end a topic. Like for example;

a says - So what are you going to do about your problem?
b says - by faith lor.

I figured that this theology thou correct, is incomplete. Here is the problem;
why say "by faith" when you have no intention of doing anything to solve your problem?

Well, I guess you guys heard of the saying of which goes, "God wouldn't help those who don't help themselves." Yes its true, God uses circumstances and situation to test, mould and help us. Yes I also know that one might move on to say that we shouldn't mirco-view God. Yes we shouldn't, but i wasn't implying that. Think about it this way; isn't it laziness too if we just sit back and throw everything to God and expect him to do everything?

Faith is a belief based action word. The action is caused by the belief in something and is also the demonstration of one's belief. Note this, there is two parts to faith; the belief and the action. If one removes the action part of faith, then faith wouldn't make much sense. So what if you believe that God can do all things? Without action it speaks nothing about your belief, in fact, without action, the word "Faith" is not even justified. Faith then becomes an excuse we deploy in the form of a spirtual jargon.

Believing is mental, Faith is actual. Faith is different from "believing". Faith is "believing" with legs on it. Therefore, action is the evidence of the presence of faith not the spoken word.

Note that this is not word play. I'm so very concerned because I noticed people using "by faith" as a excuse to skirt a topic. Hence, the word "Faith" should be used correctly and not be used as THE answer and end of a topic. Rather, it should be used as a start of the it. "For with God, all things are possible." "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." So do you see these phrases in a different light now?

To have faith, it takes much more then knowing the word of God. One must know the word of God AND also know the God of that word!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed. Faith is not a substitute for action.

However, where in the Word did you get what you wrote in your entry?

Monday, June 27, 2005 5:56:00 PM  
Blogger matt said...

Well, if faith is without action then we cannot claim that God is faithful. "Faithful" means a period of continuous action. If faith isn't an action then should the phrase "living by faith" be desolved?

If you read Hebrews 11 or anywhere in the bible, when the word "faith" is written its always about an action that is about to take place or took place.

So are you standing on His promises or sitting on the premises? There is a difference. People keep singing "standing on His promises" but if there is not action to justify what they are singing, then what is worship then? Has words really lost their mean?

Oh, "Standing on His promises" is the same meaning as believe. but thats only the first part to faith.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 3:22:00 PM  

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