Monday, October 10, 2005

Buried treasure

My neighbour recently told me that he wanted to live my life, saying that it seems alot more interesting reason being that he finds his life is boring not because of the lack of challange but he pointed out that its because he's not learning anything. I thought that he brought up a very interesting point. Very timely message too.

We grow the most when they are going through difficulties and what we percieve as hardships. The strongest people (mentally) are the ones who are always always challenging themselves or being challanged by their environment against their will.

Like when there is a lack of gravity we wouldn't be as strong physically as we are now. I figured that the same rule applies to the mental and spiritual. That when theres a lack of external stress it brings no aim to live.

If you are not stuggling, you are not learning and if you are not struggling, you are wasting time. The whole point is not to pass or flare at anything, but to learn something out of it. If you learn alot but fail, its still worth it. You get out of a situation victorious when you have learnt something out if it.

I figured that i too am becoming stangant and lukewarm. This is must be the result of resting too much and for too long doing nothing seemingly constructive. I strongly believe that the physical affects the spirtual. Like when how you decide to slack off to rest physically and when the rest becomes prolonged, you stop praying like you used to because you stopped seeing the need for it. If you are not stuggling you are not growing.

Now i really crave for my previous clients to contact me and get me to meeting their deadlines again. I guess the popular ideal isn't that ideal afterall. Lukewarmness stinks and stings. I fight to live. I guess the fight makes life more interesting. Its tough yes, but without it i rather not live at all.

When we keep coming to a renewed knowledge of how weak we actually are then we can see better how omnipotent is the God we worship. His strength is most amplified in our weakness.

"Life is only as good as the memories we make, and i'm taking back what belongs to me." - The Ataris


This post is strongly inspired by Moon. Thanks and Happy Birthday. Your situation put me on my toes too. I thank God that you are still alive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cheers man.. i'm still here as long as i have friends like ya. keep in touch for ever

Monday, October 10, 2005 11:40:00 PM  

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