Friday, January 20, 2006

To be unbreakable

It had never occured to me that we all made plans to be unbreakable and in doing so, we unknowingly left God out of the picture we paint for ourselves. The world is so alluring. When i made the conscious decision to reject all paid incoming work to concentrate on the R.E.A.L. program, i have been recieving calls from my friend everyday because he got jobs for me to do. and each job are paid quite handsomely.

It really feels so difficult to reject those offers but i know that i have to. But i'm happy, i'm contented, i have more then enough and i'm not looking for money now. Its just abit weird that when i made the decision to do the things God told me to do, then all the blessings all keep coming at the same time and they come in such a big bunch that i don't have enough hands to even pick them up. Compared to the joy, contentment and satisfaction of responding to God's call, i realised that my dreams and ambitions really seemed so plain.

I eat my words now, I don't want to die. Being alive means that you can feel joy although along with it comes pain. Being died is like robbing yourself of joy... and pain. I have grown to realise that joy holds more weight than pain. It is at that moment of joy that we feel that all the pain is worth it and at that moment pain don't even seem to cross your mind and theres wonder in everything.

I have never felt so good being alive, I've never been so satisfied. His grace is really more than enough for me. I'm now really in a state of wonder, excitement and gratefulness for God have been capturing my heart over and over again, always not allowing me to stray that far away. He is the good shepherd.


"The Sun And The Moon" by Mae

Wasted time. I can not say that i was ready for this. But when worlds collide, and all that I have is all that i want. The words seem to flow and the thoughts they keep running. And all that I have is yours. All that I am is yours.

Painted skies. I've seen so many that cannot compare, to your ocean eyes. The pictures you took that cover your room, and it was just like the sun but more like the moon. A light that cant reach at all. So now im branded for taking the fall.

So when you say forever, can't you see you've already captured me.


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