3rd week of August
Check them out man!!! These were designed (by me) for my school ccn day when a couple of visual communications students had a stall and they were selling 1inch buttons. I heard that they were SOLD OUT *phew hot stuff*. How encouraging. Those that you see in the pictures are those reserved for me. After those are gone, they are out of print. They are the Very Limited Editions.
I just finished and handed up my thesis. Two projects down, two more to go. How cool is that, I can finally see the light. For those who wanna read, its 2500words on "A study on Identity". You can get it here. There is two parts to the word “change”, the first part is to identify the need and the other part is to fulfill the need. The combination of those two will trigger "change". Critical theory, to me is a lot more then just formal writing. It helps me in as an instrument to better identify and communicate the need for change.
Actually I'm already very tired. Two more weeks till my two other project's deadlines. One of them is my major project. Failing which, I'll be kicked out of school. How nice is the sound of that.
The cover art for September's bulletin needs to be out by next Sunday and I'm so busy and so tired. How now brown cow? How now?